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  • Writer's pictureMelanie Summers

The Super Easy Summer Reading Challenge is NOW ON!

Copy of Copy of Pinterest SRC 2019

Hello my friends!

I hope your summer is off to a great start! I’m hard at work on The Suite Life, and at the same time, I’m preparing for my kids’ last day of school (read: hiding chocolates everywhere and stocking up on booze).

Anyway, I wanted to do something special for my fellow romcom fans and friends, so I thought, ‘hey, why not throw a super easy summer reading challenge?’


I’ll be choosing one big winner on July 30th, but will also be giving away prizes every week until then. And even if you don’t win, won’t it be kind of fun to curl up with a book you loved as a child or scare yourself silly with a spooky thriller?


To enter, just read one of each of these, (or combine them and read a short funny mystery you loved as a child that is set in a place you want to go + one self-help book), then post about your reads using #2019summerreads on Instagram, my Facebook Author page, and/or Twitter.

Okay, that’s it for me today…I hope you’ll join in the challenge, and if not, have a most wonderful summer!



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