Mother’s Day is coming right up (GULP!) and if there’s one thing us moms deserve this Sunday, it’s The Royal Treatment! You know, sleeping in, breakfast in bed, the housework done for you…or in my case, getting up at the ass crack of dawn to drive to a small town an hour and a half from here to watch my son play baseball. Thanks, PeeWee AA Baseball League for the awesome planning on that one, by the way…
Anyhoo…if you’re looking for something for your mom (who happens to like funny, sweary, romantic books), OR for yourself (you know, because you’re pretty sure you won’t get what you want this Sunday), I just may have the answer.
You can get all three of the books in the Crown Jewels Romantic Comedy Series in print DELIVERED TO YOUR HOUSE!
(I wrote that like you’ve never heard of home delivery before. Still fun, though, right? Just click and wait…what could be easier?)
Here’s where to get the Books:
Have a Happy Mother’s Day, wherever you may be! I hope you get spoiled rotten because you deserve it, ladies!