Hi All!
I hope you’re having a terrific summer so far! I finished reading a self-help book yesterday called The Miracle Morning (about how to transform your entire life by getting up early). Then I set my alarm to silent and slept through it this morning. So there’s that…
I’m giving away a signed Full-Colour Book Lover’s Edition of Whisked Away over on GoodReads.com, so zip over there and enter. Well, if you’re into that sort of thing. I don’t want to be all pushy about it or anything.
AND it’s the LAST WEEK OF THE SUMMER READING CHALLENGE, so make sure you enter soon for your chance to win the grand prize pack, as seen here:
To enter, simply read books that fit into the categories below, then comment here, on my Facebook Author Page, Twitter, or on GoodReads to enter. 🙂
I’ve sent out surprise bookmail each week to three lucky winners so far (each of whom now has two new beach reads in their collections).

And last, but certainly not least, I’m part of a new Romantic Comedy Group, called RomCom Rush over on Facebook. Each week, one author will share exclusive material so you can check out her work. I’m the host this week so pop over and check it out!

That’s it for now! I’ll be back soon with some exciting book news.
All the best to you and yours,