Hello, my friends!
This Sunday, March 11th, I’ll be speaking at the Edmonton International Women’s Film Festival on a topic that many of us have been giving a lot of thought to lately – consent and empowerment in the bedroom.
The Film we’ll be watching is called Hysteria (2012) starring Maggie Gyllenhaal, Hugh Dancy, Jonathan Pryce, and Rupert Everett. It’s the true story of how Mortimer Granville invented the first vibrator in the name of medical science.
And it’s our keen interest in science that keeps women everywhere testing out his product, isn’t it? Wink Wink.

So, if you are in Edmonton Sunday around 3 pm, come on over to the Film Festival, say hello, and enjoy what looks to be a wonderfully fun afternoon. Popcorn’s on me.
To learn more about the International Women’s Film Festival, click here: http://eiwff.ca/march-11th-enthusiastic-consent/
Here’s a tiny excerpt of my speech:
It’s an exciting time for women with the #MeToo and #Timesup movements starting last fall. We’re on the cusp of what I hope will be a lasting change in our society as far as how women and men relate as equals. It’s starting to become possible envision a world in which girls can grow up without facing sexual harassment or assault in their lifetime. Dare to dream, right?
As a romance author, I’ve spent a lot of time considering the types of heroes I wanted to write. Do I go with a total ‘alpha-hole’ (cocky jerk with a heart of gold he keeps very well hidden)? Maybe the strong, silent type with rock-solid morals (and abs, of course) is best suited to my next book? The ‘take-charge, knows-what-he-wants,’ witty prince?
Whatever kind of hero I chose, he better damn well respect the woman he’s trying to woo – in and out of the bedroom. Because respect is sexy. And so is a woman who knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to go get it…
Well, that’s the start. I’d show you more but I haven’t written it yet. LOL. Speaking of which, I better get on that.
I hope you have a lovely weekend ahead!